Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 181 of 365

Today we had donuts from the real donut store. The kids were very happy about that. The kids played outside all day, from 8am to 8pm. It was sunny and warm and wonderful, 70 is so much better than 105. By the afternoon it was getting warm so we went and got the kids a slip'n'slide. They loved it. Carson and Cooper played for hours. Josh and I threw them down the slide. Parker and Emma loved getting thrown. We BBQ and played outside until it was way past bedtime. It was a great day in Portland.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 180 of 365

Today we woke up at 5 and left the house by 5:45. After stopping at Starbucks we hit the road. 9 hours later we were in Portland. It was a long drive but the kids were great. We were all so happy to be in Portland.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 179 of 365

Today Josh went to work and by 9:30 he was calling and telling me he was taking the whole week off instead. He was home around 12, by 3 we decided we would head up to Portland 2 days early. So we spent the rest of the day and night getting the cars clean and packing. Tomorrow we head up to Portland.

Pizza, Pizza

Look at that belly!
Mr. Pizza Man
Yummy pizza!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 178 of 365

Today we all got up early and went to church. The kids had a great time. Emma was shy at first, like always. Parker screamed, like always. We spent the afternoon trying to stay cool. It was 103 today, yuck! For dinner we made homemade pizza, cheese, pepperoni and taco. This time I made whole wheat pizza crust and the kids all gobbled it down, no complaints! For treat we had oreo milkshakes, yummy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 177 of 365

Today Emma had ballet. She still gets so shy in the beginning but by the end of class she is having a great time. I went grocery shopping and did much better than I have lately. I saved 40%- $112.59. Josh didn't run today because he has messed up his foot pretty bad. We spent the afternoon hanging out. We made homemade breadsticks, spaghetti and fruit salad for dinner. For movie night we all watched "The Goonies". The boys really liked the movie!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 176 of 365

Today was Carson and Cooper's last day at camp. They had a super duper day and a great ending to a fantastic week. I am so happy they were able to go! Thank you Grandmas!! Josh was helping out with a special ceremony at work so he had to wear his dress blues. He looked so handsome! This evening we made Nicole & Troy dinner. Nicole was released from the hospital so I thought it would be nice to make them dinner. The kids all helped. We made bbq chicken, rice, corn, roasted asparagus, cornbread and chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. When Josh got home we all walked it over to their house. The boys were so excited to see Tanner. Carson held him for a few minutes and he thought that was pretty cool. After visiting for a little bit we came home and all watched "Wipeout" together and then it was bedtime.

Carson's Quote of the Day

On the way to Church camp this morning Carson said, "guess what Mom, I am in God's family, I invited him into my heart!"

How sweet is that??

Church Camp- Day #5

- Today he played on the water slide again, over and over.
- He gave his leader a big hug and said bye.
- He danced and practiced his song for the big "Breakaway Recap Night"
- He had the most wonderful, exciting, and fun week!

- Today he painted his face again, all by himself.
- He played on the big water slide and loved it as always.
- Sang and danced some more and is really remembering all the words.
- He had the such a great time. He learned alot about God and had a blast doing it!

The boys had so much fun this week. They are so sad it is over.

Dress Blues

I love when Josh has to wear his blues- especially the rare occasion that he wears his full dress blues. So handsome!!!

Cooper at Camp

Cooper's group leader is so sweet. She has been taking pictures all week and today she emailed me a few. Cooper looks like he is having so much fun!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 175 of 365

Today the boys had an awesome day at camp. Cooper finally got to play in the water. He loved it! While the kids were at camp Emma, Parker, and I went to the hospital to meet baby Tanner. All I can say is ADORABLE!!! He is just perfect! We spent the afternoon hanging out. After showers we went to Blockbuster, came home and ate some cookies, Daddy got home early and then it was bedtime. The boys are sad they only have 1 day left at camp.

Baby Tanner

Today Emma, Parker and I met baby Tanner. Nicole and Troy have been blessed with this precious little boy. Tanner is very lucky to have Cameron as a big brother. Tanner is so cute. He has a chubby chin and really long toes. We visited for about an hour. I got to hold him the whole time and I even changed his diaper. He is just precious! Nicole had a very difficult pregnancy and I am so happy everything work out great!

Daddy's Home- June 2009

I have finally made it to June 2009 and the pictures of Josh getting home from his 6 month deployment to Iraq. This was the only picture I took of this moment- but I will always remember how excited the kids were to see Daddy!

Church Camp- Day #4

- He finally decided today was the day to get his face painted. He got to do it himself in a mirror.
- Once again he played on the waterslides and loved them.
- He loved all the singing also.

- He got to go on stage during story time and was so excited about that.
- Today was his first water day. He was soaked and had so much fun.
- He made some really cool craft projects today.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 174 of 365

Today the boys had another great day at camp. They are having the best week! We spent the whole afternoon making cards for baby Tanner. Our close friends Nicole and Troy got to meet their new little boy today. Tanner is adorable! All the kids were so excited for Cameron to become a big brother today. Oh my, oh how I wish we could have just one more baby.

Church Camp- Day #3

- He loved snack today- chicken nuggets.
- He made 2 beautiful crafts projects- one involved using a salad spinner and paint.
- He got upset during story time because he hadn't been picked yet this week to go up on stage. His leader talked to the story leader and has arranged for Cooper to be picked first tomorrow. That was so sweet of her!

- He loves the singing and dancing.
- He played on the waterslides again today and loved that.
- He talked with his Sunday school teacher for awhile.

Another great day at Church camp!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 173 of 365

Today Carson and Cooper had another great day at Church camp. They are really having an amazing time there. Today it was hot, hot, hot! We spent the afternoon doing crafts projects, making double chocolate chip fudge peanut butter m&m brownies, and reading books. Of course, the boys had some Wii time. Before bed Carson played with Parker. He let Parker tackle him and hit him. They chased each other through the house until Parker couldn't stand anymore. Parker had so much fun with Carson! Before bed we all sat down together to pray. All 3 of them were so sweet with their prayers. They all prayed for our close friend Nicole- who will be having a c-section tomorrow and will finally get to meet her little man! It was so cute. They are all so excited for Cameron to be a big brother and to see a new baby.

Church Camp- Day #2

- He loved the rally with all the singing and dancing.
- He watched a play and couldn't stop talking about the story.
- He went down the waterslide "like 60 times Mom, it was AWESOME!"
- He didn't get his face painted today but tomorrow he wants too.
- "Today was even better, I can't wait for tomorrow!"

- He made Joseph's jacket and read a story about Joseph.
- He loved playing with his friends.
- He really like holding hands with the 13 year old helper- see above.
- "I love church camp, I can do this all summer?"

(iphone pictures- at some point this week I will get some better pictures)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 172 of 365

Today Carson and Cooper had their first day of Breakaway Camp at church. They loved it and had the best time. They were so pumped when I picked them up. They can't wait to go again tomorrow. We spent the afternoon dancing and singing, coloring, and building Lego creatures. We went to Blockbuster and got a few movies and games. It was really hot today so no outside fun this afternoon or evening. I am so happy the boys loved church camp!

Church Camp- Day #1

- painted the penguin with sand paint
- built a sugar cube igloo
- loved the cheese taco and popsicles
- had fun dancing and singing
- fished for little fish and penguins (plastic)

- went to a "concert" as he calls it, really it was just the rally with singing and dancing- he even got to yell into the mike- which he thought was cool
- played on huge blow up bounce house things but didn't go down the waterslide because "I told my leader that I needed to check with my mom first", he is so silly!
- loved his popsicle
- used big spray guns to paint a mural

The boys loved their first day! They got a CD of all the songs they sang. We came home and the both wanted to listen to it first. They sang and danced and loved it! I am so happy to have 2 little boys running around the house singing about God! What a wonderful day. They are so excited for tomorrow!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 171 of 365

Today was Father's Day. At church Josh was honored as "Father of the Year". We had special seating and he received an amazing gift bag. The kids had a great time. They all made cards and ties for Josh. Parker did a little better, lots of crying but not as loud they said. After church Josh and the boys played Super Mario bros for awhile. Carson had football conditioning this afternoon. It was hot and the coaches really pushed them. We only stayed 30 minutes and Carson wanted to leave. We will have to reconsider this football thing- I think he is just not ready for such intensity. Josh BBQ steaks for dinner, ate too much, and went to bed at 8:15.

Happy Father's Day Dad!!!

I love you DAD!!! Thank you for being such a great Dad! You are always there for me!!! Love you tons and tons!

(March 2002- morning of Josh & my wedding)

"Father of the Year"

Josh was "Father of the Year" at our church. Today he was honored with couch seating in the "Dad's Luxury Box". Pastor Ray read the email I sent in. Josh got many great gifts- bbq set, bbq apron, 1 month free car washes, some great books, etc. and a ton of candy! We listened to a great speaker- Bill Butterworth, he was funny and had a great message! Thank you Bayside Church!

Day 170 of 365

Today Josh ran 14 miles, very early this morning. Emma had ballet. She did a great job! She just loves it! After ballet I went grocery shopping with Emma & Parker. The kids and I made about 70 muffins this afternoon. We will freeze them and eat them this week before church camp. Tonight we all watched "Beetlejuice" together. The boys loved it!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 169 of 365

Today we spent the day hanging out- coloring, playing with the Transformer box, building legos and playing the wii. The kids were all a little tired after the late nights this week. For movie night they watched Spiderman 3 and had popcorn. I was hoping to get them into bed at a decent time, but of course it was 8:45 for the boys and 9:15 for Miss Emma. Hopefully they aren't too tired tomorrow, tired = crabby!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

More from Football Camp

Tackling- his favorite part of football
Running plays- he was a wide receiver

Day 168 of 365

Today the kids convinced me to get muffins and mini donuts for breakfast. We spent the afternoon scrapbooking together, coloring, and going to Blockbuster. Josh ran 8 miles after work and then we all had pizza together. Carson had his last night at the LHS football camp. This time I took him. He did better tonight. He was having a great time. He even had a few secret handshakes with some of the older boys. Earlier this week I nominated Josh for "Father of the Year" at church. Well, we found out tonight that he was picked- only 2 dad's were picked. He will have special seating during the service and snacks. I think he was surprised he was picked! Sunday should be fun!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 167 of 365

Today the kids were extremely crappy- up too late last night for sure. It got so bad that the big kids had to go in their room during Parker's nap and play quietly. They were a little better by the afternoon. It is amazing how staying up only 1 hour longer greatly affects their attitude the next day. We had a yummy dinner- spaghetti and homemade breadsticks. This time with the breadsticks I used half regular flour and half whole wheat flour. They were amazing and the kids didn't complain about the difference in appearance or taste. Point for me! After dinner Josh and Carson headed out to football camp. The other kids and I went to the last 45 minutes to watch. Carson is having a great time. But, oh my, Josh and I learned that there will be tryouts. What happened to playing for fun, to learn about the game, and letting everyone play? I guess it gets pretty intense. I don't like that. But, as long as he is having fun we will continue the process. We will see what happens.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 166 of 365

Today I'm suffering. My sunburn is so bad. I would rather be recovering from a c-section than dealing with this horrible sunburn. After a long day playing at the beach yesterday, today we rested. We colored and played Legos. The kids played Indiana Jones and ran around crazy. After dinner Carson went to his first official football camp. The camp is put on by the Lincoln High School. He was the littlest one out there. Josh stayed and watched the whole time. He said he did better towards the end, he was just shy. Carson was out there with kids up to 8th grade, so I think it was a little intimidating. However, when he got home he said he loved it! Minutes later he was sound asleep.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stinson Beach

Covered in sand, soaked, and a little cold
Big brother trying to help Emma not be scared of the water
Playing together
Look out ocean- we are here to play
Lunch time
Clinging to me like a little monkey- terrified of the sand (We looked like this for the first 45 minutes we were here)
Maybe I will try to hold the shovel? Umm, seconds later he freaked because some sand got on his hand.
A rare pose by Cooper with Daddy's squinty eyes
Always asking for his picture to be taken
Cutie pootootie