On Saturday the kids and I spent the day with the girls at the Moon Beach Luau. Moon Beach is a beautiful private beach at the Moon Beach Hotel. The Luau went all day with all things Hawaiian, food, clothes, and of course Hula. There were so many different hula groups performing and they were all amazing. We played at the beach for a while. Then we found 7 or 8 blow up kiddie pools. The kids played in those kiddie pools for almost 4 hours.
The kids all got to play the funnest game. Instead of hitting a pinata, the kids were blindfolded, given a stick, and directed towards a watermelon to hit. All the kids took turns trying to break open the watermelon. Eventually it broke and everyone enjoyed some yummy watermelon.
Before we left the these girls really wanted their picture taken with one of the hula groups. Using my best hand gestures I asked if it was ok to take a picture. Of course they were more than happy. The girls just loved it!
The Moon Beach Luau was so much fun. Diana and I had a great day with the kids and a great day relaxing at the beach and even in the shade under the palm trees.