Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 273 of 365
Today was a pretty mellow day. I had my teeth cleaned this morning. Cooper had a fun day at school. Carson had an early release day and was home at 1:20. We had a long afternoon. It's still way too hot to play outside. We colored and I gave in and let the boys play the Wii after they finished their homework. I took some really cute pictures of Parker. I can't believe it's the last day of September. Where did September go?
Parker Hard at Work

Tonight was Parker's turn to have some pictures taken. He LOVES his tractor, hat and overalls. Once the sun started to go down we headed outside. I can't tell you how much he loves his overalls. Unfortunately, they are too small. (If you spot any Oshkosh size 2T or even 3T send them our way please). He is such a cutie pie. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Love you Parker!
(Yes, he will be getting a big boy haircut this weekend)
Big Brothers
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 272 of 365
Today was another very hot day. This heat sucks. We can't play outside, no fun! AJ was here from 7 until 3. Josh had another root canal and then had to go to work. The kids and I spent the afternoon coloring and working on homework. The kids and I decided to have a Halloween party so we spent some time looking at Halloween decorations and treats.
Emma Banana
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 271 of 365
Today AJ, Parker, Emma and I went over to a MOPS playdate. The kids had fun. Parker had a 2 year old tantrum towards the end. It was a great tantrum. So embarrassing! Cooper came home from school and we had lunch. When Carson got home and AJ went home we packed into the car and headed to Barnes & Noble. Cameron, Tanner and Nicole met us there. We have been stuck in the house for days because of this heat. The kids needed to get out. When its 104 the bookstore was a great option. The kids had a great time looking at all the books. On the way home I picked up some pizza. Cameron, Tanner and Nicole came over for dinner. The 3 big boys did their homework together. It was a great day!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 270 of 365
Today was very busy. I got up and got the kids ready while Josh went running. Josh took Emma to Nicole's, picked up Cameron and dropped the kids off at school. Josh and Parker went to Starbucks and then to Parker's speech evaluation. Parker did really well. He understands pretty much everything he just doesn't feel the need to talk. So he will be going weekly to speech therapy. He really liked the therapist so that is awesome. I had my root canal done at 8. I have to say, I was terrified. I had nitrous oxide which helped me relax so much. The procedure was fine. However, my mouth has hurt all day. My cheek is bruised but I survived! Josh works swings this week so its just the kids and I in the afternoon and night. It is so hot here- 101 today. The kids want to play outside so bad but it is so hot. I hope it cools down sometime soon.
Josh's Award
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 269 of 365
Today was football day. As soon as the games start Josh stops. The kids played and colored all day. I went grocery shopping. We had a ton of laundry to do- probably 7-9 loads. No fun, I cannot skip a few days or else. The kids are looking forward to going back to school. It is incredibly hot here still, upper 90's today, 100's tomorrow and the next day. Where is Fall?
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day 268 of 365
Today Josh was up at 4:30 to run his last 20 miles before the Marathon. The kids and I went and got breakfast, came home, and ate. The boys played the Wii a little bit. We all got ready and went out to Auburn, about 35 minutes away, to get Carson's Cub Scout uniform. He was so excited. On the way home we got the kids McDonald's, a very special rare treat. The kids spent the afternoon coloring and played babies. Josh and I watched football. The kids watched the new Tinkerbell movie.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day 267 of 365
Today I only had AJ for an hour. Emma, Parker and I spent the morning coloring. Cooper and Carson were excited to have some free Wii time since it wasn't a school night. Nicole, Cameron, and Tanner came over for a little bit. We had our usual Friday pizza and that's about it. Everyone was pretty tired from a busy week.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 266 of 365
Today was a busy day. AJ came over at 7. At 7:30 we took the boys to school. We got home at 8, AJ had his bottle. I got Emma and Parker dressed and we headed to the park for a MOPS playdate. We played at the park for almost 2 hours and then went to pick Cooper up from school. Today was Cooper's first time having a playdate with a friend from school. Cooper was instant friends with Tyler. So, finally today was the day he got to come over. Tyler, his Mom Holly, and his little sister Audrey (who will be 2 next week) came over. We had lunch, talked and the kids all played. Cooper had a great time with Tyler. Parker and Audrey had fun also. They are so alike- too funny! They left at 2:45. AJ went home at 3 and Carson got home. I tried to clean up a little and then we had dinner. We finished homework and tried to get everyone into bed early.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 265 of 365
Today was a big day. I actually went to the dentist and didn't have a panic attack. The dentist was really nice but I was still terrified. I only had x-rays and an exam done. My tooth that has been killing me needs a root canal. No fun. I had 4 c-sections and I can't handle the dentist?? I wish I wasn't such a wimp. Abbi was so sweet and came over and watched the kids for an hour before Josh got home. My tooth is feeling much better tonight. Hopefully it doesn't get bad again before Monday's appointment.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 264 of 365
Today was a rough day. I was up all night with a terrible toothache. I maybe slept 3 hours. It hurt so bad. No fun at all! I had AJ from 6 to 3. My tooth hurt all day and I was so tired. But, I didn't let that stop me from going to the first MOPS meeting. Parker and Emma had so much fun. Parker cried at first when I dropped him off in his room, of course. But when I picked him up he was running around with all the other kids. There are 32 moms and about 45 kids. I kept AJ with me. We prayed, ate breakfast and got to know each other. There were 10 other military spouse Mom's. It was great getting to know some new people. I'm so happy Parker and Emma had fun! I made my dentist appointment for tomorrow. I am TERRIFIED of the dentist. This sucks!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 263 of 365
Today went by very fast. I had a list of things I wanted to get done this morning. Instead, I spent the morning coloring with Emma and Parker. Today was another no nap day for Parker. He really wants nothing to do with them. Bummer! Josh was busy with dentist appointments and a root canal, no fun! We are both excited for all our shows to start back up.
Fall Activity Plan
It's time to figure out what the kids are going to do this Fall. They have all been asking when sports are going to start up again. So, here is the plan if we can figure out the financial aspect. Oh my, do things add up when you have so many little ones wanting to do fun things.
Carson- Cub Scouts (once a week), Hoop Improvement (October and November), Basketball (starts in December)
Cooper- Hoop Improvement (October and November), and 1 other thing, He really wanted to do soccer but it is at the same time as cub scouts. So right now he is trying to decide between gymnastics and karate.
Emma- Hoop Improvement (October and November) and Ballet.
I think it will be fun for all 3 big kids to do the Hoop Improvement class together. They are pretty excited to do something as a group. This is probably the only time they will be able to do this before Carson turns 7 and activities get divided by gender.
Emma, Parker and I will also be joining MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). We get together with 30-40 moms and their little ones twice a month. Parker and Emma get to do fun activities while us Mom's get to have Mommy talk time. They also have some fun playdates scheduled as well as Mommy Nights Out.
Carson- Cub Scouts (once a week), Hoop Improvement (October and November), Basketball (starts in December)
Cooper- Hoop Improvement (October and November), and 1 other thing, He really wanted to do soccer but it is at the same time as cub scouts. So right now he is trying to decide between gymnastics and karate.
Emma- Hoop Improvement (October and November) and Ballet.
I think it will be fun for all 3 big kids to do the Hoop Improvement class together. They are pretty excited to do something as a group. This is probably the only time they will be able to do this before Carson turns 7 and activities get divided by gender.
Emma, Parker and I will also be joining MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). We get together with 30-40 moms and their little ones twice a month. Parker and Emma get to do fun activities while us Mom's get to have Mommy talk time. They also have some fun playdates scheduled as well as Mommy Nights Out.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day 262 of 365
Today was football day. The kids played babies, the DS, watched a few shows, colored, and ran around chasing each other. Carson was very excited the Tooth Fairy came. So cute watching him count his tooth money. The weekend went by way too fast. But the boys are so happy tomorrow is a school day!
"It's All In the Cards"
Carson's New Smile

Here is Carson's new smile. This morning he woke up at 5:55, came in my room and kept saying the tooth fairy didn't come, the tooth fairy didn't come. Well, of course it was still dark. I sent him back into his room with my phone as a flashlight. He found $2.25 sitting on his desk. He was so excited the tooth fairy came!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day 261 of 365
Today everyone was so happy to have a day off. A day to hang out and rest. Josh got the kids donuts for breakfast and then made us breakfast. The kids played the wii and played babies. I went to the scrapbook store (one of my favorite, real, scrapbook stores that just reopened 2 days ago). Then I went to the grocery store. Carson has had a loose tooth for about 2 weeks now. Finally, today Josh was able to convince him to pull it out! His first tooth! He is so excited for the tooth fairy to come tonight! After that we all went to Target. The kids loved looking at all the Halloween decorations, and yes, can you believe it, Christmas decorations already. We came home and watched some football. The kids watched "Free Willy". Carson wrote a note to the tooth fairy and went to bed. He did not put the tooth under his pillow because he thought his big head would squish the tooth fairy. So he put it on his desk! Today was also Josh's 9 year anniversary of joining the Air Force. Congrats! Only 11 more years to go!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Carson's Playdate with Abby

Carson had such a great time with Abby. We came home after school, had a snack and watched a "Cat in the Hat" episode and played on the computer. We had pizza for dinner. Then we played outside and colored with chalk. Then we went to the park for an hour before taking her home at 6:30. All the kids had so much fun!
Day 260 of 365
Today was a very fun Friday. I had AJ from 6 to 1. Cooper had cupcakes at school for his friend Tyler's birthday. Carson had his spelling test and reading naturally test. He did great. After school I picked up Carson and Abby. We came home, had a snack and they played for a while. We had pizza for dinner then went outside to play. Before we took Abby home at 6:30 we went to the park for an hour. All the kids had a great time. They all got along. I think Carson and Abby really had a fun afternoon and evening. Abby is such a sweet little girl and she loves to talk, so cute! It was a great Friday!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 259 of 365
Today was a much slower day. I had AJ from 9 to 4. Parker had a major potty explosion, all over himself and the carpet. Note to self- do not give him Frosted Mini Wheats again! It is still hot here, near 90. The boys had great days at school. I talked to Abby's mom for awhile and yes, Abby will be coming over tomorrow after school. Carson is growing up way too fast!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 258 of 365
Today was a busy day. I had AJ from 6 to 3:30. Josh came home, went to the gym, and then came home and went running. Nicole, Cameron and Tanner came over for dinner. The kids played for a little while. Then Josh, Carson, Nicole, and Cameron went to the Cub Scout informational meeting. I watched Tanner. He is such a cutie pie!! Carson thinks the Cub Scout thing will be pretty cool. Josh is a little unsure about it. Now, we just have to figure out a way one of us can go every week. In 1st grade a parent is required to stay with their son. This won't be a problem for us every other week. What am I going to do on the nights Josh works? I can't take all the kids. We will have to see if we can figure something out, otherwise he won't be able to do it. Also, there is the issue of start-up fees. $75 for yearly membership and about $75 for his uniform and handbook. We will see what we can do. Today was busy, fun with my 4 little ones, little man AJ, and little man Tanner.
Emma's Fall Picks from Gymboree
Halloween Picks- as of today
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 257 of 365
Today Josh and I were both up at 5:15. Josh was so nice, he went to Starbucks for me before leaving for work. AJ was over at 6 and of course both boys were already up. Cooper had a great day at school and loved showing both Josh and I all his apple projects. Carson had a fun day also. This afternoon we painted and Carson talked to Abby for awhile. Josh came home, went to the gym, came home, and then ran 10 miles. Busy day!
Cooper at Bedtime
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 256 of 365
Today was a good day for everyone. Both boys had fun at school. We spent the afternoon painting. Cooper was very excited to do his homework tonight. Carson, not so much, but he did it. All the kids helped with the laundry, which really is helpful now that they are older. We had yummy mexican lasagna for dinner and brownies for treat.
SSgt, Fragile & Content
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 255 of 365
Today Josh used his "skip church pass". He was just a little excited for the first full day of football. I went grocery shopping. The kids and I made 2 dozen chocolate chip muffins, 1 loaf of lemon poppyseed bread and apple crisp. Josh helped everyone with showers. The boys got everything ready for school this week. The weekend went by so fast!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 254 of 365
Today Josh got the kids donuts and then made breakfast for us. Today was lazy day. We all played and did what we wanted. The boys played the wii for awhile, transformers, and babies. Emma and Parker played babies. Josh watched football and I scrapbooked. It was a great Saturday.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 253 of 365
Today the boys were excited for school. Every Friday is spirit day and they wear red. Carson was also excited because it was "Buddies" day. Each 1st grader has a 5th grade big buddy and on Fridays they spend time with them. Carson's big buddy is a girl but he can't remember her name. He wants her to help him with math because "I love math." After school we all went to the movie store and then got pizza. Carson talked to Abby again tonight. The kids watched a movie and then went to bed. Josh and I watched "The Killers" and it was really cute.
First Phone Date
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 252 of 365
Today was a relaxing day. I had AJ from 7:30 to 3. Cooper had a great day at school. Carson had fun at school also. Josh picked up the house and I helped with homework. After that we watched some football. Carson got his first phone call from a girl, Abby. So cute! Parker watched "Alvin & the Chipmunks" 3 or 4 times today. He is just loves that movie!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 251 of 365
Today was windy and much cooler, a perfect weather day! Both boys had great days at school. When Carson got home we went on a walk and took some pictures, which turned out so cute! The boys helped make dinner- they each breaded half the chicken, the "gross" job as they call it. We had yummy homemade chicken nuggets and homemade mac'n'cheese. After dinner we did homework and then watched Minute to Win It. Josh still has a terrible cold. Everyone else, as of right now, as a less severe cold. Luckily, its not too bad and the cold is not affecting their mood.
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