Friday, September 18, 2009


My Little Man

1. He is very stubborn. When something doesn't go his way, watch out.

2. He LOVES Transformers. His world revolves around Transformers. He makes all the sounds and acts out the movie with his toys.

3. He loves to color and draw.

4. He is such a skinny little guy. He eats quite a bit, but he is just skinny.

5. He is a big cuddle bug, especially when he is a little tired. He puts his head down and snuggles in.

6. He is a sleepy head. He is always the last one up.

7. He is very sensitive and cries easily.

8. He is terrified of heights and has a huge fear of falling.

9. As gross as it sounds, his favorite game is to sneak up on Josh and toot on him. Got to love having boys around!

10. He loves books, especially ones about Transformers and Superheroes.

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