1. Read
I love to read. However, I never seem to find the time. I have a list of books I would like to read but I could use a few more suggestions. Any books I should read? So far on the list is the Twlight series and Julie and Julia. My goal is to read 1 book a month.
2. Scrapbook
I miss scrapbooking. I haven’t created a page in a long time, nor have I gotten any pictures printed. I still have some of 2008 to finish. I haven’t even started on 2009. So, my goal is to work on pictures from the current month. At the end of each month I will also print out the pictures from that month. Hopefully, at the end of the year I will have completed 2008, 2009, and 2010 up to December. My goal is to scrapbook 1-2 times a week.
3. Cook
I love to cook. I love to read cooking magazines. I have a large pile of recipes I would like to make. The pile seems to grow larger and larger. This year, my goal is to cook 1 recipe from a magazine a week. I would also like to make some recipes from my growing cookbook collection. So, my goal is to also make 1 recipe a week from a cookbook. Finally, dinner time is always crazy around here. I just started using my slowcooker. I love how easy it is to make a meal without a lot of work. So, I am hoping to use my slowcooker 1 time a week. So, 1 time a week I will cook from a magazine, a cookbook, and use my slowcooker.
4. Journal
The kids are always saying the funniest things. I always mean to write them down, but I always forget too. My goal is to create a family journal and write in it daily.
5. Savings
I have been using coupons for 7 months now. I am finally into a system that works and it easy to keep up. My grocery budget is usually $125 a week. This year, my goal is to get that down to $100 a week.
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